Our Commitment

Everyone at St Peter’s has a duty of care to protect others from harm and accidents.

St Peter’s Church as a place of worship is committed to the protection and well-being of children, vulnerable adults and all those who attend our Church.

The Church takes responsibility for Safety very seriously and expects all those who lead activities to operate in line with our safeguarding policy. Anyone who is made aware of a safeguarding risk is asked to raise this immediately to our Safeguarding Co-Ordinator or the Safeguarding contacts below.

The PCC follows the Birmingham Diocesan Policy which is committed to ensuring that everyone working with children, young people and vulnerable adults:

• Has been safely recruited

• Is adequately trained and supervised

• Understands and follows St Peter’s Church Safeguarding Policy

St Peter’s recognises its responsibilities for the safeguarding of all children, young people under the age of 18yrs, and vulnerable adults regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability, as set out in current Legislation, and to nurture, protect and safeguard all children and young people taking part in church activities on or off site.

We have a duty to protect the children entrusted to our care and all of the volunteers and staff working in our groups are checked by the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) and are offered regular training in Safeguarding.

Designated Safeguarding contacts

Rector / Parish Verifier: Revd Alex Lavin 07963 558 242
Safeguarding Co-Ordinator: Gerald Dickson 07480 255 247

Alex is responsible for the processing Disclosure and Barring records and assisting with Safe Recruitment, liaising with the Diocese and CCPAS. (Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service)

You can also contact the Church of England Birmingham’s Safeguarding Officer Steph Haynes on 07342 993 844

For more information please see the Diocesan website below for Safeguarding policies. www.cofebirmingham.com/hub/safeguarding/